Laelia purpurata Hybrids- Quartet
Laelia purpurata is the Queen of the Brazilian Laelias with huge, displays of showy blooms. It also makes an amazing parent for new generations. We have a number of crosses on our benches which incorporate this species.
Here are Four Favorites, all outgrowing 2.5" pots and ready for larger containers this spring. We will send of each for a Discounted Price, while supplies last.
9997 Laelia Pulcherrima (Laelia purpurata x Laelia lobata)
10496 Lc. Purpurato-Rex (Lc. Canhamiana coerulea x Laelia purpurata var. venosa)
10509/10513 Lc. Enidaki x Laelia purpurata semi-alba
10511 Cattleya gaskelliana 'Color Spot' x Laelia Pulcherrima 'Beach Volley Girl'
No further discounts or promo codes apply. Regular shipping charges will be added.